これは、PHP3.09のinterbase.cから抜き出した関数表です。 まぁ、無いよりましという程度の物です。 どうぞご利用下さい。 /* {{{ proto string ibase_errmsg() */ /* Return error message */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_connect(string database [, string username] [, string password] [, string charset]) */ /* Open a connection to an InterBase database */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_pconnect(string database [, string username] [, string password] [, string charset] ) */ /* Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_close([int link_identifier]) */ /* Close an InterBase connection */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_trans([int trans_args [, int link_identifier]]) */ /* Start transaction */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_commit([int link_identifier, ] int trans_number) */ /* Commit transaction */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_rollback([int link_identifier, ] int trans_number) */ /* Roolback transaction */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_query([int link_identifier, ]string query[,bind args]) */ /* Execute a query. */ /* {{{ proto array ibase_fetch_row(int result [,blob_flag]) */ /* Fetch a row from the results of a query. */ /* {{{ proto object ibase_fetch_object(int result [,blob_flag]) */ /* Fetch a object from the results of a query. */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_free_result(int result) */ /* Free the memory used by a result. */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_prepare([int link_identifier, ]string query) */ /* Prepare a query for later execution. */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_execute(int query [,bind_args ... ]) */ /* Execute a previously prepared query. */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_free_query(int query) */ /* Free memory used by a query */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_timefmt(string format) */ /* Sets the format of datetime columns returned from queries. Still nonfunctional. */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_num_fields(int result) */ /* Get the number of fields in result */ /* {{{ proto array ibase_field_info(int result, int field_number) */ /* Get information about a field */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_create([int link_identifier]) */ /* Create blob for adding data */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_open(string blob_id) */ /* Open blob for retriving data parts */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_add(int blob_id, string data) */ /* Add data into created blob */ /* {{{ proto string ibase_blob_get(int blob_id, int len) */ /* Get len bytes data from open blob */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_close(int blob_id) */ /* Close blob */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_cancel(int blob_id) */ /* Cancel creating blob */ /* {{{ proto object ibase_blob_info(string blob_id_str) */ /* Return blob length and other useful info */ /* {{{ proto int ibase_blob_echo(string blob_id_str) */ /* Output blob contents to browser */ /* {{{ proto string ibase_blob_import([link_identifier, ] file_id) */ /* Create blob, copy file in it, and close it*/